Recently, I was listening to a well known pastor from Nashville. I love this pastor's ministry, it's so prophetic and the anointing is so strong him and the ministry. As, I was listening to his weekly Wednesday broadcast teaching on prophecy. I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, prophecy writes the story. As the Lord began to ministry to me, the scripture from Revelations really stood out, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. I'm not going to get wrapped up in the meanings of this word right now. My main priority is to just state what I heard.
Have you ever noticed over and over the Bible says "so the prophecy will be fulfilled." The old testament is full of Holy Spirit fire-power prophecy. Jesus fulfilled his portion of the prophecy, all except returning for the second time. He stated, I only do what I see my Father do and I only say what I hear my Father say. Being that Jesus's life was based from prophecy and he only acted to fulfill prophecy, past and present, remember the scriptures says so that prophecy will be fulfilled and the testament of Jesus only doing what he saw the father do, it's safe to say prophecy literally writes the story. This is only according to the will of Father God.
I remember my first time ever receiving a prophetic word, oh my goodness, I knew then I was in love with prophecy. It was so amazing. I remember going through this heartbreak, it was unbearable. Around this same time, my brother had gotten married to a girl whose grandmother was a prophetic pastor and the time. I was talking to my sister in law at the time, and she said you need to meet my grandmother so that's how we met. This woman raised me in the prophetic so deeply, our conversations would be Holy Ghost fire. She began to see how I operated in the gifts and it was me dreaming and seeing visions, open and in the spirit. I came to realize the only reason I could see my brother and my sister n law being married was just so God could deliver me, set me free, and put me on the path I would began to walk. How good is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
I gave this testimony because, Jesus was already working in me and I didn't know. He had been working in me since 2013. In 2015, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and I've been walking with Him since. I must admit I backslid once really backslid, but I never did not hear the Holy Spirit, meaning I even heard Him while I went back to fornicating. I heard him everyday, I was in the backslidden state, "you gotta get up Chiquita," that's what He would say to me. The testimony of this 2 things, the story is already written, I knew it was written because I could hear the Lord call me so clearly staying in a government assistance house, 2013. He literally wrote the story before my eyes, and I didn't even know, until I grew up in my gifting. Prophecy wrote my story, from beginning to the end, even though I'm not at the end yet, I know it's already written. I know this because, I dream about my life, I see visions about my life, it's written already. I'm here to tell you, your story is written as well. You only have to accept the invitation and the let the Word and the Holy Spirit bring it to manifestation. This is why I covet prophecy, I've learned to covet the Word of God as well but prophecy is the butter on my daily bread. I look forward to what all the Lord has for me to do and you should too.
I bless you, I love you and I hope you have enjoyed this word.