Not too long ago, I was listening this preacher that I know and they were talking about the Gospel Music industry. I know everyone has probably saw the Donnie Mcklurkin video, but that's not who I am referring to. Given, the music has gotten outrageous, I believe that's God's way of really showing who really hears voice. Now I love Elevation's Worship song called: Mercy, oh that song just takes me all the way into the place of thanksgiving to the Lord. Thankful for all He has done for me. Now given, there are some songs that I just don't like or I can't just grasp. Which I don't listen to a whole lot of music with words, I try to stay with soaking instrumental songs, simply because, if the Lord is trying to say something, I don't want Him not to be able to get through because my lips are moving. Sometimes, I don't even play songs, it's the stillness of the mind for me, that's how God, Jesus, Holy Spirit speak to me. Nevertheless, let's not get off subject.
As I was listening to this preacher, he made valid points because, we all know, in order to really follow God, somethings are just not acceptable. This blog post is for mature people. I mean, when God really rules and reigns in your heart, your first task is to keep the relationship with Him on fire. I think as the church, we tend to have a nearside vision of this, like we were never in the world and we tend not to give grace to the one's that don't understand, hey, you can't worship 2 masters, you'll love one and hate the other. That's where the sphere of influence comes in. Everyone that is working for Christ is not going to be on the inside of the church building, in fact, God is really calling us to stop being pew warmers and get in touch with lost. I've always had a heart for people, I mean, the most grimiest people, and I'm like Lord, why do I have talk to these people. As, I'm typing now I hear the Holy Spirit say, because of your meekness (thank you Holy Spirit). My spiritual mother told me, one day, about how the Lord actually had her working at this homeless shelter, and she had just began her ministry. Imagine, she might have been with people that were not saved, with alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals, and more, right? Think about the needs of the broken hearted, who has been cast down, down trodden, and all. Who do you think they will turn to? If we keep being judgmental, it won't be the church. Yes the mature Christians know, we should be holy because God is holy. And it's only by the power of the Holy Spirit someone can live a consecrated lifestyle unto the Lord, for real.
Music has always been the devils playground. However, in order for the 7 mountains to be dominated, how are we going to do it if we don't want to enter the mountain because of the satanic things that occur. I mean, yes, Jesus did take back the kingdom from darkness, but I promise, we have turned what he did into mere religion and talk. I believe in order for us to really take the Kingdom, is really to beat on hell's doors and demand that it be handed over. The mountains have got to come down, if the true ecclesia is not allowed in them. It's time to really dig deep, because a lot of the people who are in the mountains are perishing from darkness and dying going into darkness. It's not right. Music and entertainment is a part of those 7 mountains and guess what, God is not about to let satan have that mountain any longer.